All in Travel

California or Bust! Twenty Nine Palms

Hey you,

Last May my sisters and I took a trip together to California. This is day one, really, afternoon and evening of day one. It’s a longish story as to why my other sisters didn’t make it there right away, but all in good time, and they did make it. We missed them, but here is the chronicle of the first exploration.

L. Raine

The Race of Joseph Gallivant to London

Hey you,

“But the way girls roam over the earth now is something terrible. It always makes me think of Satan in the book of Job, going to and fro and walking up and down. I don’t believe the Lord ever intended it, that’s what.”

However, we gallivanted anyway. All the way to London. Read Part 1 here.



Pt 2 | Dining Solo in Boston

Hi you,

Dining with friends is one of my greatest pleasures, but dining alone (after this trip) has assumed a glow of interacting with people around me, or finding the freedom to savor a book and thought. Being alone tends to show us things about ourselves.

Do try it sometime, or if not, read the story of my experience.

L. Raine

7 Ways to Experience the Parisian Lifestyle


Sometimes I play a little game abroad of finding the things I’d do if I lived in a place. Paris is filled with things to my taste: having so many gardens, pretty walks, and delectable food, as well as an exquisite taste in fashion.

This is my take on the Parisian lifestyle, and how to experience it, here and there.